Saturday, May 26, 2018

Rubberband Man

Write. Draw. Dream.


A long time ago...

Once upon a time....

On the planet Newpo.  Evil race of demons the KumA have invaded killing indesciminaty.

A force of warriors are fighting desperately to repell the evil forces.
Many of them lie dead. One warrior stands. With a blast pistol in one hand and a sword in the other he cuts them down, shoots them before tbey can land a blow. This is our hero. But then...

A bolt of angry green hits him in the head.


Cut to:

Linus. Daydreamer. Artist draws at his desk. A rubberband smaxks him in the head.


Bully: Hey shitpants! Wake up, our buss is next
Bully 2: what are u

Linus takes the rubberband. Opens his bacjpack puch and pulls out a rubberband ball. He snaps the new addktion on.

BuS 179! 179!

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Episode I: The Hidden Fortress

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

EPISODE I: The Hidden Fortress

It is a time of peace and prosperity for the Galactic Republic. The Senate works with the sacred Jedi Order to keep the civilized systems safe and avoid war.

However, the planet Falina, rich with natural resources is on the verge of a civil war. The native cat-like Falinas are rebelling against the Royal Torrean  regime.

Princess Hopi Torrean has been captured by the Falinas to be used as a bargaining chip. Two Jedi have been dispatched to find her and maintain peace and justice in the galaxy...


Space above planet Falina, a blue, green, covered with vast virgin forests, and many great mountain ranges.

A small cargo freighter approaches the planet which is patrolled by triangular Royal Torrean Destroyers.

On the bridge of the frieghter a young man in his early twenties speaks into the ships comm system. He wears a grey jumpsuit of a standard space trader. His hair is cropped short.

"Master we've entered Falinas space, are you sure this I.D. will work?"
A click from the comm unit.
"Relax, young padawan, breathe. What do your senses tell you?"
"It'll work, but they are suspicious."
"Stick to the plan, the princess needs us."
"Yes Master."

They fly closer to the nearest destroyer. A voice hails them.

"Attention, unidentified cargo ship, state your business."
"Standard pick-up of Falinas Orinium."
"Transmit clearance code for passage."
"Transmitting code seven-seven-one-one-three-eight."
Silence. The pilot breathes, closes his eyes.

A face of a teenage girl appears before him. She has long dark hair in an elaborate pony tail. She is bound and has a scared look on her face.
Help me, please.

"Cargo Ship 771138 proceed to Ore Mine 327. A royal skimmer will meet you in the atmospheres. It is for your protection as well as ours."

Obi-Wan Kenobi opens his eyes. And breathes a sigh of relief.
"So it begins."


Royal Torrean Destroyer Kanus

The Royal Admiral Kaine Gunray. Tall fair haired with piercing eyes, gray beard. An absurd white wig on his head. His uniform is white with maroon trim. He stands at the bridge looking out from large windows. Crew work in the pits on either side of the central walkway. They wear maroon uniforms. The officers have gray tunics to distinguish them.

An officer approaches the admiral.
"Royal Admiral, a cargo ship has just entered Falinas atmosphere."
"Yes, I noticed, Captain."
"It matches the markings of a ship that has went missing months ago."
"I am aware. I suspect they are Corellian space pirates. These scum have been raiding our supply ships lately. Shoot them down. Use the Falina harpoon."
"Sima lina pilcha." As you wish.

On the surface of Falinas. The cargo ship soars over enormous trees someof them large enough to contain whole villages which in fact they do. Beyond the trees is a vast mountain range. At the foot of the mountains are ore mines.

"Beautiful this place is," Obi-Wan says, "The living force is strong here, master." Master Qui-Gon Jinn stands at the cockpit door. He is clad in a long brown robe, the Jedi trademark attire.
"Your brilliant insights aside, Young Kenobi, this not a sightseeing tour. There is more lurking beneath the natural beauty of this world. Stretch out with your feelings what else do you sense?"
A red V-shaped Royal fighter approaches. Obi-Wan waves at the pilot. The fight drops behind them.
"I saw her master, the Princess, she is-"
"Obi-Wan! Evade!"
The padawan is slow to comply as a steel harpoon fires from the fighter and takes out the cargo ship's starboard engine.
"Master, starboard engine is out! They're trying to kill us!"
"Stay calm, keep us steady. I'll handle him."
Qui-Gon closes his eyes. And stretches out his hand. The fighter explodes as the pilot ejects.

The cargo ship plummets toward the trees. Obi-Wan attempts to keep the ship from spinning out of control or slamming into a tree.

Obi-Wan sees a large platform on the side of a tree. He engages the reverse thrusters and the ship slams onto the deck in a shower of sparks and skids to a halt.

They exit the ship and stand on the deck. Falinas workers emerge from holes in the trunk of the tree. They are tall-furry with round faces. And pointy ears that are more like bat than a cat.  Large yellow and green eyes. Several of them are armed with curved blades, axes and a few homemade or modified Royal blasters.

One of the Falinas hisses and clicks.
Qui-Gon hisses back.
Falinas guard. "Stop. You do not belong here."
"We come in peace. We wish you no harm. Take us to your chief."
"No one sees Chief without invitation, outlanders must be met with force."
The Falinas raise their weapons. The Jedi unhook their lightsabers and ignite them, green and blue.

Qui-Gon. "People of Falina, we are Jedi Knights of the Republic, stand down. We do not wish to resort to violence."

The falinas gasp and hesitate.

A howl from above, a second Royal fighter.
"Attention Falinas, release the outlanders or we will open fire."
The Falinas warriors hiss and run for cover. The few with blasters fire at the incoming ship.

The pilot fires back. The Jedi deflect the blasts away from the Falinas. Obi-Wan deflects a blast and it strikes the cockpit. The ship falls and slams into the trunk of the tree.

"Obi-Wan! We cannot harm the people we have come to help. We must avoid killing at all costs.
" Master, they were trying to kill us and the Falinas."
The Falinas emerge from hiding and now to the Jedi.
"You have shown yourselves to be warriors of valor. Come with us."

On the Royal Destroyer, Kaine sits in a chair in his private Chambers.
A hologram of a man in a black hood hovers in front of him.
"Two Jedi? They cannot be trusted. If they discover what is hidden under the mountain we will have the republic investigating and exposing our seedier affairs."
"What must I do, Lord?"
"Find them and kill them."
"My Lord they have already killed two of my fighters."
"I will send someone. One who specializes in eliminations."
"Yes, my Lord. And what about the princess? She must not be harmed."
"By now those savages must have done unspeakable things to her. Whatever is left of her will be returned to you."
The transmission ends. Kaine growls and slams is fist into the arm of the chair.
"Not if I find her first, old man. Captain!  Assemble the Royal guard! I want my daughter found and every last Falina dead before the sun sets.  Do not engage the Jedi, the Dark one is sending someone to take care of them."

The Falinas lead the Jedi down a winding ramp that spirals down the inside of the tree. The insides have been carved to create open areas, houses, meeting places, pavilions and many spiralling walkways.
They reach a large area with a raised dais, long benches, torches which use a glowing substance instead of fire to provide light to see all.

In the center of the dais sits the Chief. The Falinas take seats along the benches.
"Approach and state your names and your purpose for being here."
"I am Qui-Gonn Jinn, this is my apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi. We have come to Falinas to find the princess who has gone missing. The Royal Torreans-"
"Fah!!" The other Falina echo with Fah!s of their own.
"We know there is tension between your two people's but we do not wish to start a war, we cannot take sides, and seek a peaceful resolution to this matter."
"You have already killed two of their ships. You are now the enemy of the Royals. You came here under their request so you are working for them a which makes you our enemy as well. But you have shown honor and skill as warriors. So we will spare you. But perhaps you should hear our case then you will see which side you are on."

Orinium Mine 327 or OM327
At the foot of Mount Dooku, there is an orinium mining facility. A machine the size of a large house overs over the area. Black cube with many cutting lasers along the bottom. It removes the tops from the mountains and grinds up the material extracting minerals and also has a large laser which can drill deep into the side of the mountain.

The Foreman is a large man in Black armor. He is bald and speaks with a deep voice.  Next to him is a scrawny grizzled man who looks like he's been trapped in a mine for long periods of his life.
"Report, Drill Captain."
"Sir, we have located a deposit of kaiber crystals."
"Use the laser, create an opening and then send in the extraction team."
"Right away, sir."
The DecaDrill extends a bright red laser beam into the side of the mountain then retracts it.
"This is what we can do with this Drill. Imagine what this could do one a slightly larger scale."
"Such a thing would be terrible, whoever controlled such device could rule the Galaxy."

Droids enter the shaft and place support beams along the walls to ssecure the site. Black clad Drill Union Leaders lead a group of twelve workers into the shaft.  They are a mix of Falinas, lizard-like trandoshans, Wookies, and one human boy about the age of 15. The boy carries and odd pack on his back. The body and head of a protocol Droid.
One of the Wookies howls.
The Droid speaks in a prissy English accent. "Oh dear, Tarfor is always complaining about the small portions at breakfast."
A trandoshan issues a wet hiss like many bubbles of phlegm.
"Shut up you fool, what you call food is indigestible to us."
Another howl from a younger wookie.
"Chewbacca is wondering what we are going to find in the mines today. He doesn't think it is Orinium they want."
"I feel them. It's like a cluster of stars shining in my mind. They are crystals."
"Silence, Skywalker!"
The Drill Captain barks. "We know you have a unique ability to find these crystals, so we will let you find them and the rest will dig where you command."

Inside the mine the workers dig with small cutting lasers and tools. The Drill Captain stands at the mouth blocking them from the exit. He stares down at a datapad.

After digging for hours, young Skywalker locates a kaiber crystal.

Falina Village.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


November. I'm so tired. And fat. And I'm smoking again. I have little money. Still have my job. Still here. Nothing more to say. I am stuck in this cycle of self-destructive behavior. I have no plans
No goals no dreams. Friends but not here. If I died now there'd be nothing interesting to say about me. What a waste of life. Maybe I'll have a dream that inspires me to do something amazing or to just do something to improve my situation.

My depression which has mostly been held at bay is clawing at my brain. My body. My health which is waning. I need to talk to somebody. How do I get my life in order? How do u shake this heavy dementors curse? Expecto.   . .

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Full Moon

There is a full moon tonight
Wind blows trees creak and moan
Cry for the death of the summer
Heat lingers hot air chokes

Everything is wrong but I am right
So many friends and still alone
Time chews at swollen feet
Summons memories of past

Endless Nights looking for a ghost
A witch or a way to feel free
Locked in a prison of doubt
Smoke from another pack of lies

What am I doing in this empty place
In a room that keeps me stuck
Forever tortured by constant pain
I just want it to end but not yet

I need someone to help me move on
No one else can do it but me
my own worst enemy
My own best friend

I kill myself slowly to feel alive
For a world that has moved on long ago
All I want is to create something
That will live on after I leave

I am lost in the woods
No found footage to show where I went
No money to pay a madman for rent
No love to help me pass on my dream

That is what I need
But I don't know how to get that
I don't even know how to fix
Whatever is wrong inside of me

The path is the one you choose
There is no evil force holding you back
The way out its not as hard as it seems
Find a way to be happy and share it with someone.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Another night early morning what the fuck am I doing? I should be asleep but I'm awake. Smoking. Digging the trench a little deeper. One week until quit date.

Part of me thinks I'll quit and my life will suddenly improve. Maybe it will. My lungs will repair. My senses will sharpen. Taste buds will work better. Give it a chance.

My life will still suck. I'll still be stuck here.
Something else has to change. I need to make more money. I need save more money. I need a plan to move out and on with my life.

I need friends. I need love. I need social interaction. Being alone will kill me faster than cigarettes.

I've been alone for as long as I can remember.

You're not alone.
Ramona Flowers. In her subspace highway. She's a dream girl. Maybe that's what I need. To get a life.

To fight for my life.

It's not too late.

Seek and ye shall find. Do not search for God. Search for a way to show everyone that you are happy and healthier without a God. That reason and truth guide your actions and not darkness and delusion.

Still they come. The Nazgul. The demons of my brain. Fight them. Rise from the darkness and become a happy whole person.

How do I change? How do I move on? How do I get my life in order?

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Keep going

Now I lay me on the bed
Words pour out of my head
I don't pray so don't even ask
Set my fingers on a task
To pry open the cockles of thought
Search for spoils of war I've fought
Braking locks to ancient chests
Not staring at naked breasts
Or playing marvelous game of death
More addictive than crack or meth
Not sleeping or listening to asleep
Or praying the Lord my soul to keep
We don't have a Lord we are free
This is Labor Day right so fuck me
I have to work and not drink beer
Or go on a trip to kill some deer
I'm not a redneck but I have lost tooth
Lincoln was killed by John Wilkes Boothe
I don't know where I'm going with this
This was going to be a hit but it's a miss
I was trying be serious and super deep
Now I'm just losing more empty sleep
I don't even dream of anything cool
Except watching girls in some pool
My mind wanders wants to come back
If I'm lucky I'll have deadly heart attack
That can't be healthy hoping for death
I know it's pathetic but that's all I have left
After a whole fucking year my heart BURNS
I am still waiting for that thing that turns
Me around, puts me back on my path
Art, music, film, writing, even fucking math
There's so much more to life for
So much more to learn
I'm not going anywhere
Unless they open a wormhole at CERN
And ask for volunteers to jump on in
Meet some aliens with balls on their chin
Keep going I got nothing else to say
Sometimes I'm so fucking gay
Gay as in retarded not fucking men
Not that there's anything wrong with that Ken.
Who is that I don't fucking care
This is still going my feet are bare
Now I'm out of anything good to share
Maybe I'll continue tomorrow it's a dare

Write something

I need to write. I am not sure exactly what I want to write about. My life? I'm 37. Same number of dicks that Dante's girlfriend sucked. Same age as Dennis in Monty Python and The Holy Grail. It's September. Another summer has come and almost gone. September more than January feels like a new year beginning. All those years of school set that pattern.

Sometimes I make little vows to myself to change something. A long time ago I made a decision to move to California by September 13, 2002 a year after 9/11. It began a strange journey that I feel I am still on but have lingered too long in a comfortable but not exactly happy place.

I have been through many jobs that aren't exactly what I want to do. Jobs that don't incorporate the best parts of me. My intellect, my imagination, my creative drive which I still feel but it's locked away in a vault.

I don't know how to unlock it. Except to write and draw. Will it go anywhere? I don't know. There is nothing wrong with saying that. But at some point I have to know that this is not where I ever thought I'd be.

Living with my parents in my childhood cave like Bilbo in his Hobbit hole. Many years after adventures that yeilds much treasure and the meeting of magical friends.

My friends magic or otherwise are scattered around. Some on the west coast. Some on the east. Some so close but I can never see or talk to for reasons I don't understand.

Who am I? It is a futile question at this point. No answer really captures who I am.

As I sit on my deck. In the cold. Yes it is now getting cold. The hard wood of the deck is uncomfortable. I just smoked a cigarette. I smell the char. The burnt paper and plastic. The sweet spicy tobacco. The suffocating carbon monoxide poison.

Why am I doing this? Why am I slowly killing myself. I know my life can be better, brighter, healthier. But I still remain trapped in this flabby exhausted prison. My teeth are rotting. I hardly brush. I eat too much fast food and whatever I can get my hands on. I have money but never seem to keep enough to do anything of value.

Where do I go from here?

I just touched a slug. Ugh.